This workshop requires you to bring your own laptop, or share with someone who has one. Collaboration is strongly encouraged during this workshop.
While we will be providing you with the installers on the first day of the seminar, I urge you to download, explore, and explore R now. Below, I will show you some directions on how you can install R in your own laptop.
Below is a video tutorial on installing R and Rstudio.
Follow the instructions in this link:
We will use Rstudio as our Integrated Development Environment (IDE). To download Rstudio, go to and download the FREE version of the Rstudio Desktop by clicking on the DOWNLOAD NOW button. Double click on the downloaded file and follow the installation instructions.
R packages extend the capability of R for statistical computing and data analysis. R packages are the reason why R is widely used by statisticians all over the world.
The installation of R packages is the same in all types of operating systems. The instructions below is that for Windows.
Opening R
After you click on the logo, you should see the R console as shown in the figure below.
R console
install.packages(c("tidyverse", "TeachingDemos", "e1071", "rmarkdown", "knitr", "haven", "readr", "readxl", "agricolae"))
It should look like the figure below after you pasted the above code into your R console.
Script for downloading required packages for the workshop
Choose download mirror
The packages are being downloaded and installed.
Package installation done!
There are a lot of free beginner materials and tutorials for learning R and Rstudio. Below are some
You can also Google R for more information about this simple, versatile, yet powerful application.